Bob Nocero Biography

In an email Bob tells us "...(I) was hired by then (WKIS-AM 740) PD Jim Casey.  I did mostly engineering for talk (hosts) and remotes. (I) worked with Gene BurnsPanchoBud BrewerSteve Kane and...other hosts".  "...Did a bit of "on the air," but not much. Was considered the back-up man to the back-up man to the all-night man.  It happened once and I had a 6 hour all-nighter.  Had to fill in for Russ Wheeler one Sunday on AM drive when the PD forgot he had one more day of vacation.  I had 9AM to 1PM that day..."  "I also did the remotes from the malls, etc., and most of the Miami Dolphin feeds from WIOD in Miami.


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