Alan has been in broadcasting for over 50 years now. Born in the Bronx, NY, Alan moved with his family to Miami when he was 8 years old. His dad was a dancer in vaudeville and mom was a mezzo-soprano. So Alan was always surrounded by music. Alan began as the first all night DJ at the age of 18 while a music major attending the University of Miami. In junior high, after two broken legs playing football, he decided to join the band. He wanted to be a trumpet player, but he was given a French horn instead. Today he plays horn and flute. In the mid-1950s Alan, hosted Miami's first jazz radio show. In the early 1960s, he worked at a Miami station with a fellow named
Larry King, who would become a fixture on Mutual radio, then on CNN. Alan moved to Orlando in 1971, doing jazz, soft rock and top-40 shows on several stations, including
WHOO-AM 990, before joining WUCF-FM 89.9 in 2002 as morning show host. In Central Florida, Rock worked in management at several stations, including then-Top 40 powerhouse
WLOF-AM 950. Alan joined WHLY-FM 106.7 in 1976. By 1983 he became General Manager then left that position in 1985. Rock also played
Bozo the clown on Bozo's Big Top TV show. He joined the show in Miami in 1966, and continued his Bozo role on
WFTV-Channel 9 when he moved to Orlando.