most of us, I got my start working overnights. While utilizing the "3 year
plan" at a 2 year community college in Somerville, NJ. I got lucky while
visiting a fraternity brother who moved to Casper, Wyoming where a rock station
had an ad in the paper for a midnight-6am on air talent. Walked in and was hired
at KAWY-FM labor day of 1982. Lasted there 6 months when an ownership
change waxed the staff and set up job interviews along the drive back to NJ in
Lincoln, Omaha, Nebraska and Canton Ohio. Won the 7-12pm job at KEZO-FM
3/83, when after 2 years the late Lee Michaels from Burkhart/Abrams/Douglas
suggested to WDIZ(-FM 100.3) PD-Rad
Messick to listen to this guy in Omaha. Since it was March & spring
break was in full bloom the interview needless to say was more picturesque than
10' of snow back in Omaha. So headed to the 7-12pm job at WDIZ in March
of 1985. Just an outstanding place to learn & work with the likes of Baxter
& Mark, Mick Dolan, Gary Mandino,
Lewis. Then received a phone call from consultant George Harris
and Dave Gariano about moving to PM drive/music director at
soon to be WHTQ(-FM 96.5) in October,
1987. Since none of us were under contract at WDIZ I took the shot and
was the first jock on air. Worked with the new morning team of Tommy &
Paul (Tommy Griffiths
longtime morning guy at WNOR/Norfolk, Paul
Castronovo mornings at WBGG/Miami) and the great Mike
Lyons. A year later received a phone call from WKDF/Nashville
PD Kidd Redd about moving to Music City for PM drive/music director, and
after an interview that lasted thru 2 NFL games at a sports bar (the best
interview ever!) landed there in October of 1988. Had an absolute blast working
there with longtime am mainstay Carl P. Mayfield (now on Sirius)
midday girl Shannon (Now on XM, CMT). Won Billboard
Magazine rock personality of the year in 1990. Nominated for Radio &
Records rock personality of the year in 1990 & 1991. In March of 1992
decided to try mornings at WZGC/Atlanta where quite frankly I failed
miserably but it was a learning experience and thankfully was fired by December,
1992, which luckily brought me back to Orlando for another stop at WDIZ
for PM drive in 1993. Then I was told I was doing mornings in August of 1994. GM
Tom Owens and PD Mike
Beck would not let me go into the studio for my 3-7PM shift until I
agreed to do mornings. Finally relieved midday jock Tim
Travis that day at 4:30PM. Since I was not a great morning guy it was
just a matter of time before I was let go a year later in August, 1995. Luckily
then Paxson OM John Frost said a great way to serve out my 1 year
non-compete was to work am drive with WFTV sports anchor Greg
Warmoth on "540 the Team" (WQTM-AM
540). Then move to PM drive on WJRR when the year was up. So did
that in September of 1995. Learned a ton from Greg Warmoth,
Marc Daniels, Stunning
Steve, Bethann Shaffer and Wayne
Trout. Missed the rock format so left for PM drive at KISS/San
Antonio in December, 1996 to be the wing man for the long successful morning
team of Lisle & Hahn. Was enjoying the Tex-Mex culture then received
a call from Greg Ausham who was doing an extreme makeover on WMMS/Cleveland
and would I mind doing PM drive/music director, for the new Jacor
property. Left in November, 1998 for the land of lake effect snow where I was
nominated for rock personality of the year in 1999 & 2000. And named air
personality & music director of the year- Friday Morning Quarterback 2000.
Stayed at WMMS until April of 2004 when I decided to take an offer from CBS
owned alternative WXTM/Cleveland for PM drive/music director.
Unfortunately, I didn't do so hot. The WMMS people loved the content but
hated the alternative music, and the WXTM folks loved the music but hated
the content so I was screwed. Lasted there until November 2005 and took a buyout
to leave. After interviewing non stop for 6 months, the jobs I wanted I didn't
get, the jobs that wanted me I didn't want. We just moved back to my Longwood
home in July of 2006 and started from scratch. I have an absolute blast working
at the golf shop at Grand Cypress Resort. Plus write creative imaging for CBS in select markets and voice track 3-7PM, Sundays on
If you wanna reach me, email is
From Slats' email 7-09 "Left Grand Cypress Resort after 3 fun years. Now the
Assistant Golf Professional (another nice word for golf bum) at Rolling Hills
Golf Club in Longwood.
Still at WJRR too doing the Sunday 3-7pm v/t thing. Been there 3 years and can't
believe I made it thru those riffings. It's not like I'm doing 5 jobs for the
price of 1 ;-) It's a great commute, I live off of #6.
"Slats" Is On The Move
"Slats" Guinane has left WJRR-FM
101.1 and will now be heard on WHTQ-FM
96.5, Sundays from 11AM-5PM.
Slats Is Back!
Tim "Slats" Guinane
has been named the new mid-day guy on "96 Rock" WHTQ-FM
96.5. Tim had been doing weekends since last December. Congrats to Slats
on the new fulltime gig!