Mark Logas Biography
Mark Logas Sits In 8-1-13 Professor of Political Science at Valencia Community College, and a good friend of this website, Mark Logas will be filling in for Bud Hedinger on the "Bud Hedinger Live" show on WFLF-AM 540/FM-104.5 Friday, August 2. Mark's guests include former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Mathew Staver, Founder/Chairman, Liberty Counsel and VP Liberty University who will talk about "ObamaCare". Mark will be heard from 6AM-9AM. |
Mark Logas Has A Great Line Up Of Guests 7-20-14 Sitting in for Bud Hedinger, on WFLF-AM 540/102.5 FM, will be Mark Logas. Mark's guests on Thursday, July 24th during the 8 o’clock hour, will be Pavlina Osta the teen who recently scored an interview with Sean Hannity. Cheney Mason will also be joining Mark during the 8 o’clock hour to discuss his upcoming book and in a separate segment the importance of protecting the rights of the criminally accused. On Friday, July 25th Parramore community activist Lawanna Gelzer will join Mark during the 7 o’clock hour. Mat Staver from the Maitland based Liberty Counsel will be on during the 8 o’clock hour to talk about victory in the Justina Pelletier case and will also discuss a new movement to silence religious freedoms and churches known as the “Spiral of Silence”. |
Mark Logas' Guest Line-up 10-23-14 Mark Logas will be sitting in for Bud Hedinger on Friday on WFLF-AM 540/102.5 FM. Mark's guests include; Jodi Rubin-She is announcing a new preservation group that has been formed to help preserve area historic landmarks. Carol Platt-Republican running against Alan Grayson in FL 9th Congressional District, just endorsed by the Orlando Sentinel in that race. James O'Keefe-I call him the 60 Minutes of the 21st Century. He is the guy who exposed Acorn in 2008, crossed into Mexico dressed as Osama Bin Laden recently to expose how open our borders really are, steered a boat in waters near the U.S. with "Ricin" packages clearly marked and was never stopped, and recently exposed several more Democrat and Republican candidates who are saying one thing on the campaign trail and another thing in private. Mark will also take a look at the Florida and Orange County ballot questions, asking if the 26th Amendment should be repealed and instead create a Citizenship test that people must pass in order to vote. |
Election Night Coverage 11-4-14 Mark Logas will be anchoring the WFLF-AM 540/102.5 FM Election Night Coverage on November 4th. Bud Hedinger will kick off Election Day coverage on the new sound of "BHL" with analysis and Deborah Roberts’s news in the morning. Election night coverage begins at 7PM and runs through 11PM. Former Congressman Dave Weldon and community activist Lawanna Gelzer will join Mark in the studio. Alan Spector and Tom Benson will be reporting from the field. Bud Hedinger will have live reports during the evening sharing analysis and show prep for the morning after the election on BHL. Phyllis Schlafly will also be joining the coverage with a live phone interview. |
Logas In For Hedinger On Friday 12-11-14 Mark Logas will be sitting in for Bud Hedinger at WFLF-AM 540/102.5 FM tomorrow from 6AM-9AM. Mark's guests will include; FL State Senator Alan Hays, who will introduce a Bill in 2015 making it mandatory for kids K-12 to watch Dinesh D’Souza’s movie America: Imagine The World Without Her, will join me during the 7 o'clock hour. During the 8 o'clock hour, Mat Staver (founder of Liberty Counsel) will share details of the brutality of ISIS throughout the world and report on efforts to help Christians and non- Christians who are being targeted in the U.S. and abroad by the terrorist organization. And, we'll provide helpful tips from the Orange County Sheriff's Office on how to safeguard your house during the Christmas Holiday season. |
Mark Logas In For Bud Hedinger 1-29-15 On Friday, Mark Logas will be sitting in for Bud Hedinger at WFLF-AM 540/102.5 FM from 6AM-9AM. Mark's guests will include; State Representative Jennifer Sullivan and State Senator Alan Hays who will bring our listeners up-to-date on proposed bills and provide unique insight into the upcoming legislative session. Congressman Dan Webster will be on during the 8 o’clock hour to talk about the latest regarding committee assignments, the House agenda, President Obama’s State Of The Union Speech, and his pick for 2016. Orange County School Board Chairman Bill Sublette will be on at 8:22 a.m. to discuss the future of Hungerford Prep High School in Eatonville and why taxpayers keep footing the bill in the form of tax increases for education instead of the Florida Lottery expanding its contributions to education. We’ll also introduce you to the man who has been seen on several Central Florida streets holding a big sign that reads “Obama The Traitor” and find out why he is doing it. |
Logas In For Bud Hedinger 7-29-15 Mark Logas will be filling in for Bud Hedinger on "BHL" ("Bud Hedinger Live") this Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, during the 7 o’clock hour, Father John Hamatie of the St. George Orthodox Church in Orlando will share his views on the persecution of Christians around the world, Israel and a Palestinian state, and examine why ISIS and other hate groups are successfully recruiting Americans. Former Virginia Governor George Allen will join Mark at 8:12 a.m. in an exclusive radio interview to discuss the Young America’s Foundation and his work as a Reagan Ranch Presidential Scholar. Friday's show will deal with several local stories, including the Orange County Commission's decision to stop twice a week garbage pickup in unincorporated Orange County, a move that will impact over 200,000 households. All this and more on WFLA-AM 540/102.5FM |
Bud Hedinger Celebrates Constitution Day 9-16-15 Mike Yaffee, Executive Producer of "Bud Hedinger Live" on WFLF-AM 540/102.5-FM, has put together a special event to celebrate Constitution Day on Thursday, September 17th, beginning at 5:30PM. The celebration will take place in front of Orlando City Hall and is open to the public. Bud Hedinger will sing the National Anthem and read the Preamble to the Constitution. There will be guest speakers, including Mike Yaffee, Mark Logas, and others. Mark Logas will be filling in for Bud Hedinger on Friday, September 18th. Mark's guest at 7:12 a.m. is a student from UCF who has devoted her life to helping the homeless. Danielle Saff is sponsoring a petition drive to create a "Homeless Bill of Rights" in Florida and to bring awareness of the many faces in the homeless community, including families and veterans. This is another example of a young person actively taking part in civic engagement and making a positive difference in our community. Former FL Attorney General Bill McCollum joins Mark at 8:12 a.m. to talk about the challenges facing our Constitution and the recent opinions handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court. |
Mark Logas In For Bud Hedinger 10-5-15 This week, Mark Logas will be filling in for Bud Hedinger on WFLF-AM 540/102.5-FM. On Tuesday, Mark will interview Mat Staver (Liberty Counsel) to discuss the AP story suggesting his organization is a hate group and we’ll examine the assault by the mainstream media on Religious Liberty. Other guests who will be stopping by the “50,000 Watt "Front Porch” this week will include: Tim Williams of Gatorland, who will help listeners identify poisonous snakes native to our area and what to do if you encounter the Cobra that is still on the loose; Sgt. Kim Montes of the Florida Highway Patrol explains what hit and run motorists can face for leaving the scene of an accident, even if the driver was not at fault. On Friday, Tom Muller will share what it’s like to lose a family member at the hands of a drunk driver. His brother Steve was a long-time postal worker in Mount Dora who had recently retired when he was killed by a prominent Lake County lawyer. We’ll learn the enormous of amount of good Steve did for his community, the media circus surrounding the case, the trial, and the aftermath. A representative from MADD will also join me to share advocate services that are available to families who have lost loved ones at the hands of a drunk driver. Throughout the week we’ll take an hour to let listeners share their “Dream Ticket” for the 2016 Presidential Election and hear from James Roday (Spencer from the television series Psych) who will drop by during our “Politics Free Hour” to talk about directing his new movie Gravy and a possible Psych reunion movie in the future. On Monday, October 12th, Mark’s longtime friend, former colleague, and guest will be Central Florida Radio/TV Legend Marty Stebbins. Marty and Bud also worked together for a short time on the local news, which makes it a good segue for Bud’s return on Tuesday, October 13th!” |
Logas Anchoring GOP Debate Night Shows 11-9-15 Mark Logas will be anchoring two debate night shows Tuesday evening on WFLF-AM 540/102.5-FM. The first show will air between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and the second show will air between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The phone lines will be open for listeners to weigh in with their opinions about the debates and what they believe their favorite candidate needs to do in order to win the road to the White House. Phyllis Schlafly and Governor George Allen will join Mark live during the 6 o'clock show and Congressman Dan Webster and Bishop E.W. Jackson will join Mark live during the 8 o'clock show. In addition, Bud Hedinger and Michael Yaffee will have live cut-ins from the Debate Viewing Party at Doc's Streetside Grille. |
Logas In For Hedinger 12-20-15 Mark Logas will be filling in for Bud Hedinger on "Good Morning Orlando" on WFLF-AM 540/102.5-FM. During the 7 o’clock hour on Monday, Mark’s guest will be Debbie Sponsler, with Orange County Utilities, who will discuss the new mandatory garbage and recycling containers for Orange County residents and the decision to go to a once a week pickup that begins on January 1st. On Tuesday, two experts will share advice on how to stay safe during the Christmas season. While many people will be enjoying the happiness that the Christmas season brings, some will unfortunately experience the busiest time of year for burglars as well. Orange County Crime Prevention Deputy Corporal Menachem Green joins Mark for tips that you may not have considered to keep you and your property safe. Sadly, this is also the time of year when physical and sexual assaults increase. Lui Damiani, Director of the Victim Service Center, will share contact information on how to reach professionals, if you need them. We’ll also learn what it takes to keep this vital service open to Central Floridians and what you can do to help keep their doors open. |
Logas To Anchor Debate Coverage And Sits In For Bud Hedinger 1-14-16 Mark Logas will be anchoring “Decision 2016: The Republican Debate” on WFLF-AM 540/102.5-FM Thursday between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly will join Mark LIVE during the 8 o’clock hour and Mike Yaffee will be sharing his analysis of the debates as well. Then at 9:00 p.m., WFLF will carry the Republican Debate LIVE from the FOX News Business Channel. On Friday, Mark will be filling in for Bud Hedinger on "Good Morning Orlando". During the 7 o’clock hour, Mark’s guest will be former Attorney General and Congressman Bill McCollum. They will be talking about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to throw out Florida’s death penalty and the 2016 Presidential Race. |
Logas Anchoring Primary Election Coverage 3-13-16 Mark Logas will be anchoring Decision 2016: The Florida Presidential Primary Election on WFLF-AM 540/102.5-FM on Tuesday evening between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Newsman Alan Spector will be providing live updates throughout the evening along with FOX News Radio and FNN (Florida News Network). The phone lines will be open for listeners to call in and share their views about the Republican and Democrat candidates and the election results. Mark’s guests throughout the evening will include: Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, former VA Governor George Allen, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, former Congressman and FL Attorney General Bill McCollum, Bishop E.W. Jackson, and Congressman Daniel Webster. Complete coverage of the election results will continue Wednesday morning on "Good Morning Orlando with Bud Hedinger and Deborah Roberts". |
Logas In For Hedinger 5-3-16 Mark Logas will be filling in for Bud Hedinger on Good Morning Orlando, Wednesday, May 4th through Friday, May 6th, on WFLF-AM 540/102.5-FM. On Wednesday, Mark examines the topic of Global Warming and shares what his UCF students concluded once they researched both sides of the issue. On Thursday, Mark shares his sabbatical research report that confirms students entering college from K-12 know very little about their country or their government. On the first day of class over a one year period, less than half of his students could identify two or more of the Bill of Rights, identify a picture of Ronald Reagan, or correctly answer how many representatives and senators serve in Congress. More shocking is the lack of commitment from elected officials or school leaders to stop the epidemic of ignorance. On Friday, Mark tackles the legacy of Mayor Buddy Dyer and shares what his Valencia students thought about the Orlando City Council after attending a meeting in person. |
Logas In For Hedinger 6-22-16 Mark Logas will be sitting in at WFLF-AM 540/102.5 FM for Bud Hedinger on Thursday (6/23) and Friday (6/24) from 6AM-9AM. Mark's guests will include former OPD Chief, Orange County Emergency Management Director, and now retired US Marshall Tom Hurlburt on Thursday during the 7 o'clock hour to talk about the terrorist attack and the police response to it. In addition, we'll be honoring Tom as one of five law enforcement officers inducted into the inaugural class of the FDLE Hall of Fame, which is a huge honor. On Friday, Mark will update the story he broke in December about the high profile Lake County attorney who killed a motorcyclist while driving drunk and was asking for a clemency hearing to have his sentenced commuted. Now, the victim's brother has been notified that Bruce Duncan has been granted a full commutation of sentence clemency hearing in September. Tom Muller, the victim's brother, joins Mark to update the story and share what his family has been put through during this process. Clemency hearings are very rare and inmates are rarely granted a hearing. Mark has asked a clemency board representative to join him to explain the process and how Duncan was able to get his name on the roster for September. The clemency board is made up of Gov. Rick Scott, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, and Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam. Mark is also asking community leaders who believe Bruce Duncan should be released after serving only a third of his sentence to call in and make their case on the "50,000 Watt Front Porch". |
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